Admin/ March 8, 2018/ Performance Evaluation

I am happy to announce the release of the 4th part of the NG Coil design. Here I look at the TEP (Time Energy Pump) principle. You will see parametric behaviour of coils wound in opposite direction. A load of 1 KOhm is used for testing via a bridge rectifier to allow clear power efficiency comparison. I have observed this behaviour many times over the years. The reason I have not picked up on it is because all systems were driven via a MOSFET and driver. This combination does destroy the effect and is a symbol for how the industry is making us believe that it is the way it has to be done and therefore never exceed a COP > 1. The driver circuit has to be careful designed purely with transistors and here only with PNP, BJT (Bipolar) types. The movie is located under Movies and NG Coil Design or the direct link is here

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