Next Generation Coil Design, Part 5

Admin/ April 17, 2018/ Performance Evaluation

I like to announce the availability of the next video in the NG coil design series. Here I test two Caduceus coils and their output performance. The coil requested for the build will be part of it. I also apply various optimization options available. Impedance matching, magnetic core influence, and asynchronous output

Class B Amplifier available

Admin/ April 6, 2018/ Electronics

As announced I have added a new video about the Class B amplifier. It is the successor of an already very well working driver circuit. Here, however, we finally can use a heatsink. Power consumption is lower and output resistance is lower. You find the video under Research » Courses » Electronics Design

Radiant Energy and Dielectric Fields

Admin/ April 5, 2018/ Radiant Energy

I like to provide an overview of what a dielectric field is and the importance for nature. I therefore will demonstrate the behavior of a Radiant energy collection device. The device is receiving dielectric energy which is converted into electromagnetic energy to power the LED. The conditions to make it

Transformer coiling output performance

Admin/ April 1, 2018/ Inductor

The follow up video of Transformer and coiling performance is available. I take 4 coils with various driving coil design and measure the output for the same voltage of 2 VPP input. The result might surprise but is important to develop into the right direction to improve performance to a very