Admin/ March 6, 2021/ Application Notes

I like to announce the availability of the next movie in the scalar wave communication series. Here I did build the Class A biased and DC biased Full Wave envelope detector. A simple circuit which are in fact no so simple to configure. The only diagram I have does not contain any values for the components. It is based on an article which was released in “Electronics” magazine of 1992, N 17-18, p. 104,105, by T. D. Skam. A Russian site with no additional way to get more information. After many design, solder attempts and spice model simulations I got a working circuit. This circuit however is tuned only for AM radio detection but did ignore the signal I did send out. That is because in the spectrum analysis I noticed that my chosen frequency was not amplified but suppressed. A gut feeling did lead me to a configuration which worked. This is providing us more insight now where we must head to. You find the video under movies/Application Notes/ Scalar wave communication at the bottom. Non-Member and Basic Members can purchase the video. The spice model is again under diagrams and datasheet under research and Tutorial for you to download marked in pink.

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