Established electricity production systems. Smart shunt battery monitor to analyse power distribution in a battery bank. New video

Admin/ July 8, 2021/ Established electricity production systems

I am happy to announce the release of the latest movie in the established electricity production systems series. One component was missing which I added to monitor the battery. This allows to see the full power distribution from source to sink. The components are connected in a smart network and

Established electricity production systems. MPPT charge controller performance @24 Volts for Rotoverter with large battery bank. New video

Admin/ July 2, 2021/ Established electricity production systems

I am happy to announce the availability of the latest video in the established electricity production systems. I have upgraded the battery bank and increased the voltage to 24. I also for this test purchases an 24 Volts Inverter because at higher voltages the MPPT does not provide the power

Established electricity production systems. MPPT charge controller performance for Rotoverter. New video

Admin/ June 26, 2021/ Established electricity production systems

I am happy to announce the availability of the latest video in the established electricity production systems series. I have now connected the MPPT Solar charge controller to a battery bank and can test the performance of the Rotoverter together with the overall power distribution capability of the charge controller.

Established electricity production systems. Power distribution in an rotary phase converter motor and power factor. New Video

Admin/ June 16, 2021/ Established electricity production systems

I am happy to announce the availability of the latest video of established electricity production systems. While with high frequency systems I was always talking about impedance matching. Under mains frequency the relationship of power source to load is defined as power factor. It allows us to find our missing

Established electricity production systems. Two 1 HP 3 Phase motors in Star and Delta connection mode. New video

Admin/ June 11, 2021/ Established electricity production systems

I am happy to announce the availability of the latest movie of the established electricity production systems. We compare the Star connection mode with the Delta connection mode. Both modes are commonly used in motor and transformer technologies. The Delta mode is drawing more power but also delivers much more