Electrolysis – Improving efficient power delivery. New video

Admin/ March 8, 2022/ Electrolysis

I like to announce the availability of the latest video in the Electrolysis series. I replaced the Class C amplifier with my Pull – Pull design and added two separate autotransformers from the amplifier to the load. The power delivery is much improved. Next need to be to translate that

Electrolysis – Evaluate resonance setting. New video

Admin/ March 2, 2022/ Electrolysis

I like to announce the availability of the latest video in the electrolysis series. I applied the settings from the simulation and could match what the simulation provided. To understand what is really going on we need to see the alignment of voltage to current. We measure the production of

Electrolysis – Calculating and simulating. New video

Admin/ February 23, 2022/ Electrolysis

I like to announce the availability of the latest video in the Electrolysis series. Because we have no bearing on frequency and resonance we must calculate and simulate.  That is the process we always must follow to find a working frequency. This is one of the examples where we better

Electrolysis – Complex resonance calculation. New video

Admin/ February 18, 2022/ Electrolysis

I like to announce the availability of the latest video in the Electrolysis series. Due to health-related issues of my family and myself with only very limited capacity. In this video I demonstrate that the calculation for an effective resonance to generate hydrogen is very difficult. The statement from Stanley

Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions, Materials and Equipment. New video

Admin/ January 19, 2022/ LENRs

I like to announce the availability of the latest video in the LENRs series. Since the last time I gathered information which allowed me to adapt to the situation for the process. The general information is available how to do it, but the devil is in the detail which is